Operation Migration

Posted by on Jan 18, 2012 in Birds, Conservation, Linda's Blog | Leave a comment

Operation Migration was held up in Alabama as the FAA investigated whether the organization had violated pilot compensation rules.  The group is trying to resurrect the tiny population of Whooping Cranes by establishing an Eastern migratory flock that breeds in Wisconsin and winters in Florida. This year, nine young cranes are following the ultralights to the wintering ground in Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge. Bonnie and I photographed the 2009 Whooping Crane flyover at the Dunnellon Airport.


Waiting for the flyover

Waiting for the flyover

Cranes in the distance

Cranes in the distance

Whooping Cranes

Whooping Cranes

Whooping Cranes 2

Whooping Cranes







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