Cape Coral Burrowing Owls

Posted by on May 1, 2012 in Birds, Habitats, Linda's Blog | Leave a comment

On an afternoon during our January Everglades trip, Bonnie and I sat in the car and waited and waited in the Cape Coral library’s parking lot. We had hoped to see one or two of the Burrowing Owls that nest there. Apparently, they’re morning birds — we didn’t glimpse a feather that afternoon. Finally, today, I was able to get to Cape Coral in the early morning (before 7 am) to find the owls and take a few shots…

There were only two active owls, which was surprising because it’s a big field with lots of burrows. The burrows are marked off with stakes and perches. While I was there, the owls snacked on a spider and a very large grub and dug a little in the ground.

Burrowing Owl

Burrowing Owl on a perch

Burrowing Owl on ground

Burrowing Owl in the library field

Eating a grub

Eating a grub

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