Painted Birds, etc.

Posted by on Jul 6, 2012 in Birds, Linda's Blog | 2 Comments

I use Photoshop almost every day for work and to process raw photos and many other tasks. However, I’ve never used Photoshop effects on my outdoor photos. Thought they (the effects) always looked hokey.  The latest version (CS6) has oil painting in the menu and I couldn’t help trying it. Here are a few of my photos painted by Photoshop. What do you think?

Painted Indigo Bunting

Painted Indigo Bunting (not to be confused with a Painted Bunting)

Painted Swallowtail

Painted Swallowtail

Painted Iris

Painted Iris

Painted Bittern

Painted Bittern


  1. Mory Jahangir
    July 12, 2012

    I just saw your picture of the Prothonotary Warbler in the 2013 Audubon calender. It is a wonderful picture of a very beautiful bird. The feather detail is great. What camera body and lens did you use? Was it cropped at all? I use a Canon 7d and a 600mm f4.0 Canon lens and I seldom get close enough for a full frame picture of a Prothonotary. I would love to hear your secret.



    • admin
      July 12, 2012

      Hi Mory,
      Thank you for your kind comments. I also shoot with a 7D now, but last year when I photographed the Prothonotary Warbler I had a 50D, 300 mm f2.8 lens, 1.5 extender. It’s about full frame; I cropped about a half inch off two sides to improve the composition/balance. Other than that, it was an amazing bird in amazing light that landed on a cypress branch right in front of me and spent four or five seconds there. Amazing luck, that’s all. I was shooting egrets, and had the settings underexposed a third of an f stop to compensate for the sun on the water. And since I had to look up that info, I see that the photo was taken almost a year ago to the day, on July 10, 2011. How weird is that? I’d better get out more this month!
      All the best,


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