Painted Buntings

Posted by on Mar 16, 2013 in Birds | Leave a comment

Painted Buntings have been in Florida for several months. On our February trip to Merritt Island NWR, the information/volunteer told us buntings were at the feeders. But so were dozens of tourists, so we skipped the feeders and instead searched for Scrub Jays, Soras and Rails and other wonderful things.

Yesterday proved that some things are worth waiting for.

On my way back from Ft. Myers I stopped at the Manatee Audubon’s property, Felt’s Preserve. Arrived with the magical late afternoon light at 5 pm. I was the only person there! The grounds were lovingly maintained with literature, trails and viewing benches. I walked directly to a large bird blind that faced outward to a half dozen recently filled feeders. A squirrel had launched himself into one of the feeders. Mourning Doves fed in most of the others, plus a few Cardinals and a Gray Catbird. On the far back right, the buntings had a heavy-duty caged feeder all to themselves. Indigo Buntings flew back and forth from brush to feeder. I counted as many as a half dozen at any one time.

Then one or two male Painted Buntings flew in. This photo was taken through the bird blind’s glass window.

I left the bird blind and stood behind a sign that read something like “Photographers must stay behind this sign.” There is that urge to creep closer. But I stayed behind the sign and it turned out great, because this bunting landed on a nice weathered branch about eight feet away. I shot five or six photos before he flew off and I drove home.

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