Patch and Pin

Posted by on May 8, 2018 in Birds | Leave a comment

When I told people at work that I’d signed up for the Florida Naturalist Program, they asked, what do you get? A patch and pin, I replied. As pictured here, received April 30, 2018. I had a great time with the classes and field trips. This is for the wetlands series… I’ll need the coastal and uplands sections to complete the program.

It’s been three years since I added anything to this website. How fast does time pass? I was thinking about renting a cabin at Cayo Costa State Park. In the google search, I came across a blogger who was back writing after a long hiatus. She had problems with her family and her health and depression and she shared all of that in a long post. To recharge and reconnect, she spent a few days camping by herself at Cayo Costa. I think that’s one of the most powerful things about nature, like friendship and higher powers and the light that sometimes shines within us, is an enormous sense of connection, and peace. Not that nature is always peaceful. When a red-bellied woodpecker takes on all the doves in my bird feeder, it’s anything but peaceful.

But here’s to reconnection. I’m very happy to have a patch and a pin, even though I don’t know where I’d ever wear them.

For completion of the first leg of the Florida Master Naturalist Program.

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